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Page history last edited by Steph Isaac 3 weeks, 5 days ago

September 16-20

Homecoming Week



Week of September 9-13

W: 1:00 dismissal

Th: classroom counseling

F:  Field trip to the Dubuque arboretum

Next week is homecoming week

Math:  continue understanding of place value, addition and subtraction of whole numbers, perimeter

Reading:  personal narratives with the focus on dialogue, chronological order of events, transition words (first, then, next..), supporting sentences with details, and character traits

Fluency:  Seeds 

Science:  dissecting seeds

Cursive:  Bb and Cc


4th Module 2 Letter Home.docx


Week of September 2-6

Monday:  no school

Tuesday:  Take Home folders sent

Friday:  permission slip due for A Pirate-y Peter Pan at the University of Dubuque

Math:  Place value ( each place value is 10 times greater than the previous place, writing numbers in standard and expanded form, comparing numbers with greater than / less than / equal,  rounding numbers to specific place values with numbers in the hundred thousands place)

Reading:  personal narratives with the focus on introductory and closing sentences in a paragraph.  Paragraphs needs to be organized with details.

Science:  Plant structures and the need to have them to survive

Fluency:  flu

Cursive:  Aa

Character Strong:  school expectations, Kindness kickoff


Week of August 26-30

Return permission slip

Math:  Module 1 / Place Value

Reading: Personal Narratives

Science: Internal and external plant structures

Fluency:  Summer Camping 

Cursive:  lower case and capital letters


Friday, August 23

First day of school

Procedures / Familiarize yourself / Pass out textbooks 



4th Module 1 Letter Home.docx


Bus Expectations 


4th Grade Daily Schedule






2024-2025 4B Class List. 

**Please note that we may have students with food allergies.  Please be considerate of this restriction when sending snacks to school.  Thank you so much for your help!

Mrs. Steph Isaac, teacher

Axel Anders

Brynlee Cleeton

John Cupples

Jareth Dingle

Josie Fleming

Leah Hansen

Layla Helgens

Graham Hunt

Landon Iben

Isley Jacobs

Nikki Leytem

Albert Linne

Oliver Luetkemeier

Amelia Mae Lyons

Brynn Merfeld

Kypton Payne

Maddux Quinn

Ollie Santa

Oliver Stumma

Maddi Taylor

Sophia Thompson

Maggie Zimmerman

John Zumbach

Additional Staff 



Ms. Courtney



2024-2025 District Calendar



Type to Learn 4

go to:  Sunburst Digital

code:  161043

Username:  (individual to each student)

password:  panthers1



My email is: steph.isaac@monticello.k12.ia.us 


GWAEA  Library Catalog      https://launchpad.classlink.com/grantwood

Use the following username and password:
Carpenter Students
Username: 4446carp
Password:  gwood10

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